The key to metrics: testing, testing, testing. One of the best things about digital marketing is the valuable, immediate feedback you can receive on each of your campaigns. Rather than throwing your marketing strategies out there and having to wait for weeks or months to see if your bottom line improves, you can test your campaigns in real time in order to optimize campaign metrics.
How can testing optimize campaign metrics and lead you to a highly effect marketing strategy? How can you go about testing in a way that will lead to continually improving marketing for your organization? As an inbound marketing company in Brooklyn, We’re going to take a look at the process for testing in order to optimize campaign metrics.
Define Your Goal
Before you ever begin testing, you should define your goal. Without a goal, it’s difficult to even know what to test and its a key to metrics. Your current goal may be high-level, such as increasing sales or overall revenue. Or your goal may be more granular, such as reducing cost per acquisition on specific pay per click campaigns. Whatever it is, make sure that your goal is measurable and actionable. You should be able to quantify the goal in some way: “We will increase website conversions by 5%.” It should be actionable as well, meaning that the goal can be easily implemented. If you need help defining your goal, hire a social marketing agency in NYC
Decide on Testing
There are so many different testing strategies these days that it’s easy to get bogged down in deciding what to test. If you have already define your goal, however, you should be able to easily determine what to test and how to do it. For example, if you’ve decided to reduce cost per acquisition of your pay per click campaigns, you might decide to compare keyword performance using your current model against the results from another model. If both models show that certain keywords aren’t driving conversions, you might decide to cease using those non-performing keywords and reallocate your marketing budget.
Another worthwhile test is landing page assets. Users have an immediate, unconcious reaction to images, text, icons, video, sound etc, on your landing page. It is always advisble to use highly evocative asserts on pages that you land traffcic in. Test to see which images, call to action buttons, headlines etc, work best for your campaign. Make sure that uour team know how to “design for conversion” when you creat the assets for your camapign.
Analyze Results
After your testing is completed, it’s time to analyze results. Don’t worry if your goals weren’t met with this first test. All the data you gather from testing will help you to fine tune your strategy and optimize campaign metrics. All feedback is valuable, whether or not you’ve met your goals yet. Think of your initial test as a learning experience, a quantified jumping-off place. Without this information, you wouldn’t know which way to go next.
Fine Tune
Use your initial testing results to decide on your next step. You may want to test metrics across a larger set of channels and tactics. You may want to lengthen or shorten your testing period. You may need to go through several rounds of testing in order to reach your digital marketing goals, and once you do, you can roll your new strategy out over all of your channels.
It’s important to remember that testing is not something you can do once and then sit back and never have to do again. Nothing is as constant as change in the digital world, and what works wonderfully well today may not be helpful next year. So stay on your toes and conduct your testing on a regular basis. If you do so, you’ll enjoy the wonderful benefits of having a cutting-edge digital marketing program, one that attracts new customers on a regular basis and keeps your existing customers right where you want them.
For more information about testing your campaign metrics, or about any other digital marketing issue, contact us at Park Slope Softworks, the ideal Park Slope marketing agency.