Why do you have a company website? Sometimes when we ask this question we get blank stares, as if we have just asked, “Why do you eat dinner every night?” Business owners expect that they have to have a website, just like they have to have payroll and business cards. But we encourage you to really think about this question because the answer will be instrumental in the way you design and maintain your website. For most businesses, the answer is this: We have a website to convert visitors into paying customers. There may be other peripheral reasons such as branding, disseminating information, and attracting talent, but when it comes down to it, your website should be a conversion engine and one of the main tools you use for inbound marketing. As an inbound marketing company in Brooklyn, here is out guide to convert website traffic into customers. To learn more about your site’s SEO, be sure to check out a Free SEO analysis.
When you crystallize your reason for a website down to the need to convert web traffic into customers, you can begin to focus on the parts of your website that will do just this. Your laser focus will lead to efficiency, and you’ll convert website traffic into customers.
There are so many things you can do with websites these days: so many bells and whistles, so many options for design, multimedia, and digital marketing campaigns. It can be overwhelming, and you may sometimes feel that you’re falling behind because you’re not incorporating the latest and greatest. With a clear focus on conversion, however, you can easily sort through all the options and laser in on the components that will convert leads from your website. To get a better understanding of your website traffic, check out this source that lists all of the best web traffic anaylitics.
Invite Contact
You never know what will grab a person’s attention, so you need to be ready to make contact at any point on your website. Attention spans are so short–4 seconds, according to the last study we saw–so you need to make it as easy as possible for people to contact you while you have their interest.
It’s much easier to get web leads by having your contact information visible on every single page of your website. You can also incorporate contact forms in most of your pages.
Some people like to keep track of businesses on social media. Does your website make it easy for visitors to instantly connect with you on Instagram or Facebook? Are you making your invitation clear?
Campaign Regularly
Any marketing agency will tell you the surest way to convert web traffic into customers is to hook visitors with a deal they can’t resist. Whether you use giveaways, PPC, free e-books, secret industry tips, or coupons, develop campaigns that visitors can’t refuse. Get them to try your products and services and then to share their positive reviews with others.
Campaigns can take extra work, so lots of business owners try a campaign once, enjoy the fruits of their labors, and then don’t get back to developing subsequent campaigns. If you make campaigns a regular part of your business process, you’ll enjoy the fruits of your hard work, and your campaigns will build upon one another, increasing your forward momentum.
If you want to convert web traffic into customers, develop the kind of focus it takes to distinguish between the latest and greatest web trends and the components that will actually make a difference to your business. Invite visitors to make contact with you, whether through a phone call or a relationship on social media, and keep your campaigns fresh and constant.
For guidance regarding your own business web site, contact us at Park Slope Softworks. We help businesses to increase their sales through digital marketing, and we would love to help you.