Your website has less than 4 seconds to convince visitors to stay, and increasingly, geo-targeting is a powerful tool to help you engage visitors and improve your conversion rate. Geo-targeting is simply targeting visitors based on their geolocation. This can be as specific as a neighborhood or city or as general as a state or country. It involves delivering web content that is relevant to your visitors’ locations. This geo-specific content catches their attention, improves your SEO (be sure to check out our Free SEO analysis), and helps visitors to feel that you’ve provided a special local niche in the vast, impersonal Internet. The following techniques can help you to improve your conversion rates through geo-targeting from an inbound marketing company in Brooklyn.
Use AdWords
If you market in several different cities at the same time, you’ve got to take advantage of a very simple tool within Google AdWords. You can target campaigns at the city level, zip code level, or DMA level, (Direct Marketing Association Geographical targeting). These types of targeting gives you more control over keywords, ads, landing pages, and more.
All you have to do is copy and paste a campaign through the AdWords editor, change the location targeting, and exclude your new geographic region from any previous campaigns. Set up takes just a few minutes, but now you have access to all kinds of valuable information. For example, you can quickly find out which locations are profitable based on the cost to advertise there. You can also tailor landing pages to specific regions and improve your conversion rate through geo-targeting.
Pay-per-click advertising like Adwords can be expensive, depending on how you use it. With an effective strategy, however, geo-targeted AdWords can be an outstanding tool for conversion rate optimization.
Deliver Geo-specific Content
Using your visitors’ locations according to the IP and WiFi/GPS data, you can deliver specific geographic information. This can help you visitors feel at home, especially when you customize the following:
- Language
- Local Currency
- Local Phone Numbers
- Location-specific Images
- Directions and Maps
- Local, Relevant Offers
The key to knowing how well each of these changes converts in different locations is to test them. What appeals to people in one location may not appeal to people in another location. If you are trying to reach customers in different areas, experiment with sending traffic from a geo-targeted banner to a geo-targeted landing page (which includes geo-specific language, offers, and currencies) as well as to a generic page. Which one converts better?
Geo-Targeted Pop-Ups and Slide-Ins
Creating geo-targeted pop-ups and slide-ins is a relative easy way to promote your business locally. This allows you to customize by location if you have branches in several locations. For example, if you have restaurants in several different cities, they can each run their own promotions, which are advertised based on IP or GPS information. The Albany location could be running a 1/2 price sale on burgers while the Brooklyn location promotes 15% off total checks on Tuesdays. This is efficient; you can have a single website to support several locations while delivering relevant promotional information to each local audience.
There are a few companies, such as Opentracker and Arin the provide the user’s location according to their IP address and you can use oen of these services to run customized content to different locations.
In general, geo-targeting is very underutilized because it can be complicated if you’re unfamiliar with the tools and strategies that support it. If you are interested in optimizing your webste for Geo-Location, Park Slope Softworks can easily provide you with website optimization services, including GEo-Location. We would be happy to help you to geo-target your website, which improves conversion rates and helps you to better reach your local prospects. Call us at 646-519-3534 or contact us through our website.