Your moving company may be well-established, high quality, and competitive in many ways, but if it doesn’t have an effective website, you’ll miss out on a substantial amount of business. Without a solid website, people won’t be able to find you online. You won’t appear in their Google search results, and you won’t have an opportunity to showcase all the great services and products you offer.
That’s why it’s so important for moving companies to create and maintain effective websites. A website is a multi-faceted tool that allows you to do the following things:
- Book consultations
- Collect email addresses for newsletters
- Share information about pricing
- Explain your services and products
- Offer quotes
- Introduce your company
- Give directions to your office
- Create quality blog posts, which you can use to direct traffic to your website from social media
- Conduct customer service and answer questions
As you can see, a good website is a powerful marketing tool. In this post, we’ll offer several tips to help moving companies create effective websites.
Don’t Neglect Your Design

If your website is more than a few years old, it will look out-of-date to visitors. This is especially true if your website hasn’t been optimized for mobile devices. In 2018, more than 52% of all website traffic was generated through mobile phones. Therefore, if your website doesn’t operate well or look good on phones, you’re missing valuable opportunities.
Web animation, adventurous colors, inventive typography, and asymmetric layouts are all current design trends that can give your website a quick update. Make sure your web design matches the rest of your company’s branding for unified messaging.
Include Calls to Action on Each Page
Each page and blog post on your website should include a meaningful call to action. Calls to action provide focus to your website and direction for your visitors. They also give you a way to measure the success and impact of your site.
As you consider what kinds of calls to action to include on your website, think about your goals and priorities. If your main goal for your website is to get more people to contact you for a free moving quote, make sure your content leads people to do just that. Use negative space around your call to action to draw more attention to it, and consider using an alternative color for the button in order to make it stand out even more.
Create Original Content

When you post original content to your website on a regular basis, not only do you improve your SEO, but you also supply yourself with fresh content that can be used on social media. With more and more people turning to social media for recommendations for services like moving companies, you can’t afford to miss out on social media marketing.
As you post original content to the blog on your website, post links to your new content on your social media. This will funnel traffic from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to your business website, giving you an opportunity to make a direct connection with people who first saw your content on another site.
Keep It Local

Anyone can find your moving company’s website online, but not everyone will be in the market for moving services in your local vicinity. That’s why it’s important for moving companies to use local keywords in their website content.
If your moving company serves customers in several different cities, make sure the names of those cities show up regularly in your content. It’s helpful to use a keyword research tool to help you know which keywords your potential customers are using in their searches. For instance, if you search “Brooklyn moving company” at Wordtracker, you find dozens of longtail keywords you can use in your content: “moving companies,” “movers nyc,” etc.
Try Adwords
Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing can be a great way to increase conversions on your website and ultimately increase your revenue. This is especially true if you can target your audience, honing in on the people who are most likely to need your services.
In order to have the most success with Google AdWords, you’ll need to create effective landing pages, learn to use the right keyword match types, and make adjustments as you go along. Moving companies should adjust their bids for geotargeting since moving companies are so location-specific. We see some companies having great success with AdWords as they expand their reach and increase sales.
For more information on building or improving your moving company’s website, get in touch with us at Park Slope Softworks, your Brooklyn digital marketing company.