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Using Social Media For Lead Generation

Using social media accounts in order to generate leads is something that has really only started happening in the past few years. With the advent of Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites, it has become simple to connect with potential customers on a personal level that lets you either deliver a message straight to them that you can help them with what they need, or you provide them with a platform where they can see what you can do, leading them to become a customer. Social syndication is very important, coming from an inbound marketing company in Brooklyn.
Lead generation on social media sites is important because you gain the ability to interact directly with 72% of adults who use the internet. Not only do you interact with them, you also interact with their friends since they can usually see the conversation taking place between the business and the individual. In order to fully take advantage of social media, you need to be active on them. Just having a Twitter account with very few tweets isn’t going to get you anywhere, there needs to be a certain level of activity in order for lead generation to really be feasible through social media. Following a few guidelines for activity can help maximize the number of leads you get, these guidelines include:

  • Not sounding too “spammy”
  • Linking to genuinely helpful information
  • Never “trash-talking” anyone on social media
  • Updating your sites on a regular basis

While those guidelines might seem like common sense, you might be surprised to learn that a lot of companies misuse social media to the point where it may actually be doing them more harm than good.

In order for your lead generation strategy to be effective, you will have to be more willing than most companies to engage users on social media. This might mean noticing when someone has a problem and offering them a solution to fix it, or it might mean when someone posts on your social media page, you have a conversation with them. The conversation itself may not bring in business, but if they need something that you offer later on, your company is going to be better positioned to get that customer. People who have had positive experiences with a business online may even refer their friends to you.

Capturing as many leads as you can also means providing a clear path for a potential customer to give you their information. This can be as simple as requesting that they send you a message on the social media site, but you will get better, more qualified leads by giving them a path to your company’s website. It is much easier to gather information on your own website than it is from a social media site since you can control how your website looks. There is not a lot you can do design-wise on a social media site to increase leads, whereas if you use social media as part of a larger lead generation strategy, you can drive traffic from sites like Facebook or Pinterest to your website where you are free to optimize the design for lead generation.

Social media can be a great tool for bringing in new business, the potential reach that it offers is almost unbeatable by any traditional advertising method such as newspaper, radio, or TV. In addition, as opposed to those traditional advertising methods, social media promotion can be free if you do it yourself, or cost much less than say a radio spot or newspaper ad if you go with a professional social media company, while at the same time reaching many more people.

If you are looking for an experienced company to help you with lead generation and inbound marketing, Park Slope Softworks has been in business since 2005, effectively generating leads to satisfied customers across the US.

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