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Landing Page Optimization for Vitamin and Supplement Companies

Vitamin company online marketing is critical to getting noticed in a crowded industry. Especially if your company is pursuing direct sales, a finely tuned online inbound marketing strategy can be a key sales driver. Whether your outlet is online-only or has a retail location as well, properly tuned marketing will put you in front of the crowd, not lost inside of it. And Park Slope Softworks, an inbound marketing company in Brooklyn, can help, thanks to our strong record developing online marketing campaigns specifically for vitamin and supplement companies. Learn about the anatomy of an effective landing page.

The great opportunity of vitamin company online marketing is also its great curse. To the majority of your customers, vitamins and supplements are basically a commodity. For any given supplement, the brand name doesn’t really matter to anyone except die-hard customers. They only care about what kind of supplement it is, and maybe – maybe – the dosage. This makes it tough for you to compete on having premium brands, or even a wide selection of brands. This just won’t resonate with many customers.

But this perception can work to your advantage. Customers generally don’t search for supplements by brand name, but they don’t search for them in the aggregate either. Few people would simply search for “vitamins and supplements,” but they would definitely search for “melatonin supplement.” And, as you well know, there are hundreds of different vitamins and supplements. Every one of those is an opportunity.

That’s because customers who search for an individual supplement will, as ever, favor sites that display their knowledge and authority about that particular product (search engines favor those sites too). If your page for cranberry supplements simply has a picture, the name, the dosage, and the price, that’s not particularly convincing.

But if you add some content, explaining the purpose of this particular supplement, the recommended dosage for different groups, alternative products, contraindications, and other information, you will demonstrate to customers that you know a lot about the product, and that it’s the right one for them.

And that’s where the opportunity lies in vitamin company online marketing. You don’t have to compete to be the top result whenever anyone searches for “vitamins” online. It wouldn’t even help you that much. Instead, you can focus on creating good content around as many individual supplements as possible. That will drive clicks and conversions, establish your credibility, and drive sales.

This kind of plan is very easily scalable. You could build out an in-depth page for one supplement a week, or ten, or a hundred, based on your capacity. And you can experiment with different strategies until you find one that works.

The ability to test is a great advantage of a site with many pages. Elements like images, buttons, and the placement of text directly affect how search engines and customers perceive your content, and by tweaking components and comparing results across multiple pages, you can find out what works most effectively and eventually implement that sitewide.

And you can find ways to compete with very large players, one arena at a time. Take advantage of the nature of vitamin company online marketing, and you’ll help your customers, and reap the rewards. And we can help. As a Brooklyn inbound marketing agency, Park Slope Softworks is experienced in creating online marketing solution for vitamin and supplement compnaies. Be it SEOPPC or social syndication, Park Slope Softworks offers a full service, integrated approach towards online marketing. Give our free landing page evaluation a trial today and see what we can do for you!

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